Elvis Days by Eddie Fadal with Janice Fadal

Eddie Fadal and his family lived in Waco, Texas, and Elvis would spend weekends there while Elvis was stationed at Ft. Hood.  I have waited years for an Eddie Fadal book about his time with Elvis. I know Eddie has passed, but I thought maybe he had written a book a long time ago that I did know about or couldn’t find. Then a few weeks (or months) before Elvis Week Janice Fadal, Eddie’s daughter, posted on social media a book she put together about her dad’s time with Elvis. And even better, she was going to be at Elvis Con and the Elvis Week  book sale signing copies of her book! This was one of the things I was most looking forward to during Elvis Week.

The book Elvis Days is fantastic. The only complaint I have is it’s too darn short. I could have read about the Fadal family and Elvis for days. The stories are great and ones I have never heard before. It was a time when Gladys was still alive, so they were simple, happy, family stories about Elvis’ day to day life. If you would like to learn more about Elvis and Eddie Fadal or buy the book or even spend the night in the now dubbed “Elvis House” in Waco, TX where Elvis stayed, please visit https://www.theelvishouse.com/

Let me tell you the story about how I got the Elvis Days book and meeting the fantastic Janice Fadal, really she couldn’t have been nicer. Before Elvis Week, Janice and I had been messaging through Facebook – just comments here and there (mostly how I was so excited to get her book!). Bright and early Tuesday morning August 14th, I walked into Marlowe’s for the 2nd Annual Elvis Week Book Sale, one of my favorite events of Elvis Week as I have become a complete bookhound. After literally clearing out one table of books, I walked into the other room and saw Janice and the Elvis Days display – it was probably barely 8:15am at this point. I walked up to her table and introduced myself to Janice and told her I wanted to buy her book Elvis Days and how excited I was to finally have a book about her dad and Elvis. Janice recognized my name from Facebook. Then the woman sitting next to her, Elizabeth Clark, looked up and asked me my name again and said she was literally just messaging me on Instagram as I had won their giveaway contest! I was so excited! Not only did I win the book Elvis Days, but I also won three 8 x 10 photos and a postcard of the Elvis House in Waco. Janice signed her book for me as well as one of the photos – the one of her, her brother and Elvis. (Her brother had pre signed the photo since he couldn’t be there.) The other photos were the one of Eddie and Elvis that is the cover of the book and the other one is of Elvis, Anita, Eddie and his wife. I was SO excited, and Janice was so sweet! She told me to look for her the next day at Elvis Con. The next day at Elvis Con Janice Fadal came up to me while I was in line to meet Billy and Jo Smith to show me the ring she got from Tish Henley and thanked me for inspiring her when she saw my rings the previous day at the Book Sale. Since Elvis Week, I have messaged with Janice on facebook and she’s just a great lady with lots of great stories. If I ever get down to Texas again, I definitely want to visit the Elvis House in Waco!

1 Comment on Elvis Days by Eddie Fadal with Janice Fadal

  1. Marines Motta // June 16, 2023 at 12:48 am // Reply

    vc é mto fã de Elvis. Gosto de suas historias.
    Vou te pedir um favor: ” Ve o que se pode fazer para refomar os aviões, eles estao muito destruidos.


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