Who’s the Boss, Weird Science, Wham – the 1980s from A to Z

Blogging from A to Z April Challenge

Like, OH MY GOD! It’s totally awesome you came back to find out what my favorite W’s are from the 1980s. Like the most rad tv show, movie and music from the 80s.

Who’s the Boss?
Who wasn’t in love with Tony Danza? He was not only gorgeous, but also adorable and sweet in Who’s the Boss? It’s also where we first met Alyssa Milano. I was in love with show in the 80s, 90s and today.


Weird Science
I usually don’t like dumb funny movies, but like Raising Arizona, I loved Weird Science. Not only for the classic hysterical lines like “gimme the keys I’ll drive” and “he doesn’t even have his license Lisa” (ok maybe they were just funny to me), but also for how cute Robert Downey Jr was – his eyes made me melt.


Before there was U2 (for me), there was Wham! Wham was my band. I loved them! Andrew Ridgely was my favorite though, not George Michael. Luckily they broke up when started high school, just in time for me to make room in my heart for U2. I still enjoy Wham today. In fact, “Wham Rap” came on my 80s mix the other day, and I knew every word. In the 80s, Wham had hits including “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go,” “Freedom,” “I’m Your Man,” “Careless Whisper,” “Last Christmas,” “Young Guns” and my favorite “Everything She Wants.”


Thank you for joining me on my trip back to the totally tubular 1980s as I complete my Blogging from A to Z Challenge. What was your favorite tv show, movie and band or song from the 80s starting with the letter W? Please come back tomorrow to read about my faves from the 80s that start with the letter X. And be sure to check out the 1970s from A to Z here.


16 Comments on Who’s the Boss, Weird Science, Wham – the 1980s from A to Z

  1. Going with Who’s The Boss, although Wham is a close runner up. Difficult question, this one!

    [I found you via the #AtoZChallenge. Hi!]


  2. greyzoned/angelsbark // April 27, 2016 at 3:58 pm // Reply

    I forgot about Who’s the Boss and Weird Science. I loved Alyssa Milano in Charmed. I didn’t watch the show when it was airing in primetime but I’ve seen every single episode since it had been airing on TNT over the last few years. I forgot she got her start on Who’s the Boss!

    Wham had some good songs! Forgot about them too.

    Great post Deena. Just a few more days til Memphis! Bet you’re excited… Have a blast!

    Michele at Angels Bark


  3. This post makes me so very happy! Loved Who’s the Boss? and Weird Science. And, of course, Wham! My favorite Wham! song was Credit Card Baby https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hDZGmOMcSw

    #AtoZChallenge W is for Wilson Phillips


  4. I loved Weird Science. Oingo Boingo did a great song for the film as well. Love listening to some of their music. It’s very 80’s. I love crazy, dumb films so this was right up my alley.
    Wham was also great music to listen to. I don’t think I have a CD from them, so I may have to correct that oversight.


  5. I remember all of these!


  6. Weird Science is such a great movie – so much to love about it. Makes me laugh every time I see it. Love the whole creation scene – especially when they try and recreate it and get it wrong 🙂
    Tasha’s Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)


  7. Luv this one Deena!! Thanks so much for the memories. Who’s The Boss!! I loved this show so much!! It was so funny!! I liked all of the characters but Mona was hilarious. Including Who’s The Boss I loved Webster & What’s Happening Now!! LMBO!!! Weird Science!!! This was definitely my movie and still is today!! The part with the license was hilarious. His voice!! 😂😂 LMBO. Too funny. Loved this movies. This one one of my favorite movies including Weekend At Bernies. Wham was a great band!! I liked a lot of their music!! Not as much as U2 though. LOL. Don’t have any favorite musicians or bands from back then but I do have a favorite song from the 80’s. “Where The Streets Have No Name” by U2!! Thank you so much Deena for so many memories and a great blog!! Blessings


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